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Daily Inspiration: Matthew 22:36-40


Daily Inspiration: Matthew 22:36-40

Above any and every relationship we have in this world, our relationship with God is most important. We must love God with all our mind, heart, and soul. God loves us with everything inside of him. So much so that He gave his only son so that we may have an everlasting life. He is the only person we have that will never leave us nor forsake us. We can trust him and He will give us all that we need and want beyond all that we can ask or think. God Is love, and all that it means. Love Him.

You shall love your neighbors as yourself. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Love them. Don’t judge them. Give to them. Serve them. Be good to them. Give love to them as love is given to you by God. For even Jesus Christ came to serve and show His love for us.

Have A Blessed Day!

Daily Inspiration: John 14:6


Daily Inspiration: John 14:6

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was sent here not to condemn the world, but to save the world. He was a man of no sin and complete truth. Yet he accepted the the wage of sin, which is death, for all our sake. Many people may not want to admit to themselves that they are sinful, but we all are. Yet God and Jesus loves us so much, Jesus came to give everyone on earth the free gift of salvation and peace.

It is through Christ that the devil no longer has to lay claim on our lives, as long as we accept him as our Lord and Savior.

How can we not accept Christ in our hearts and lives? He is the way. How can we expect God to accept us into heaven if we can’t accept the extraordinary gift that Jesus Christ, his one and only son, is to us? His son did the unthinkable for us. None of us here on this earth would have been able to do it. To accept the extreme punishment of death for sins of the entire world that we did not commit is unfathomable. But Jesus did. God knew that His son would and could. That is why he is a gift to us. God loves us that much.

We must accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. If you believe in Him with all of your heart and soul, you believe in God, too. To believe in His Son, is to believe in him too. Jesus is the way in truth and life. Follow His ways, as God loves truth.

Have A Blessed Day!

Daily Inspiration: 1 John 1:8-9


Daily Inspiration: 1 John 1:8-9

Human beings sin. That’s the truth. We commit sin against the people in our lives and against God everyday, whether we want to admit it or not.

Have you ever committed a sin that you were so ashamed of, you were afraid to pray to God and ask for forgiveness?

Trying to hide a sin from God that he already knows about does not help you. It is when you confess to a sin that you are forgiven. God loves all of His children. He does not want you to live in shame. Forgiveness to free from God. When you come to Him, He will welcome you and have mercy on you. Not only does He forgive, but He also forgets your sins also. When you repent to God, all of your sins are erased. No record of your sins are kept.

However, you have to do the same for others. You must forgive others. If they sin against you and confess their sin to you, you must forgive. If you don’t, you will not receive forgiveness from God for your sins. It’s that simple.

Forgive and forget, everyone. That’s what love is all about.

Have A Blessed Day.

Daily Inspiration: Matthew 6:1-2



Have you ever had someone give you a gift, but they did it so publicly that you knew that it was only for recognition by others and not for your happiness? It was just completely fake and the person that did it was very hypocritical? That’s how God feels about things that we do in the name of good or righteousness. If we do it for recognition by anyone else except God, it is going to be in vain. You wont receive you full reward from God. That means you only did it for show. The best gifts are the ones from the heart and the ones that are done privately.

For example, when it comes to fasting, it is written in the bible that you should not look deprived or like you are starving in order to receive recognition and make others aware that you are fasting. You are to keep yourself up and together as you would everyday. No one should be made aware of your fasting except God. To do anything outside of that is hypocritical and against the will of God in doing good deeds of righteousness.

Give for love, not to be noticed. Gifts from the heart that are done privately are what gets noticed by God. Anything else will not get you a full reward and blessing from God.

Have A Blessed Day!


Daily Inspiration: Luke 14:11


Luke 14:11

“For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be.”

Often times, when people gain power and fame and become wealthy, they often exalt themselves. They become vain and think that they are better than others. They treat the people around them as though they are beneath them.

With positive advancement and fame in life can come negativity changes in personality.

It is up to the person to stay humble toward God, themselves, and others.

Stay humble toward God. He is the one that gives you all of the blessings you have. He can easily take it away.

Stay humble toward others. When you rise up in life, don’t treat others as though they are nothing. God forbid you fall from grace, those people that you treated badly will be the ones you will see coming down.

Stay humble to yourselves. Humble people have the most beautiful souls and hearts. They are people that God smiles upon, is proud of and blesses tremendously.

Be humble. It’s good for the heart.

Have A Blessed Day!

Daily Inspiration: Hebrews 13:5-6


Daily Inspiration: Hebrews 13:5-6

God is our Father. He loves us. He cherishes us. If God be for us, who dare be against us?

We all go through times in our lives where it seems as though things are going horribly wrong and are never going to get better. It may seem like God has forgotten about you and you have nothing good coming your way. Everyone goes through those times. The devil is attacking your life at every turn.

Don’t be afraid. God is watching you. He is with you.

God will never fail you or leave you. He loves you. You must love Him with all of your heart, mind, body and soul. You must believe in Him and believe that He will bring you out of your situation.

The first and most important thing you have to do is Pray. I can’t stress that enough. Prayer is so important, you can’t afford NOT to pray. Prayer is how you unleash God’s power in your life. You must believe in your prayers. When you pray, He ALWAYS hears you. Your prayers are not hitting the walls. He may not come when you want Him, but He’s always on time. Pray according to His will and promises. If you want to know what those promises are, read your bible.

Trust God and don’t be afraid. Relax. God will take good care of you. Man can’t do anything to you. You are God’s child.

Have A Blessed Day!

Daily Inspiration: Hebrews 11:1


Faith is everything! No matter what you go through in life, faith can move mountains. I understand that life can be very hard and you will face trials in which you see no way out. With faith as small as a mustard seed, God will move things into your life that you never thought possible in the natural. You must have faith. Faith is what will get you where you want to be in life and give you the desires of your heart.

Always have faith.

Have A Blessed Day!






There is always a reason to smile. Stay positive and live in laughter.

Acts 26:2- “I think myself happy….”

Daily Inspiration: Pray to God For Favor Instead Of Money!


Daily Inspiration: Pray to God For Favor Instead Of Money!

Everyone faces hard times in every area of their lives. We face problems in our homes, in our marriages, with our families, with our jobs, the list goes on.

One thing I’ve noticed that people pray for most is money.

Everyone faces financial issues in some way. Those that are struggling in their finances often go to God asking for money or some kind of financial blessing to come into their lives.

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, I want you all to try something different. I want you to start praying for favor over your life in all areas.

Gods desire for you is to do well in all areas of your life. That means more than just money. That means doing well in your marriages, promotion at your job, growth in your business, healthy God-fearing children, and a genuine unbreakable relationship with God and Jesus Christ.

When you pray for favor, God can give you a rich and satisfying life in a way that money cannot buy. Money can only do so many things. God can do ALL things. He can give you a life that is so satisfying, so warm, so happy, and so secure, you wouldn’t trade it for all the money in the world.

God’s favor can give you joy in your heart. God’s favor can give you peace of mind. God’s favor can give you beauty for your ashes. Money and God’s favor is not an even trade.

Money is only a small part of what we need in this world. God’s favor is all we need. With that, we have all that we need and more to live an abundant life blessed by God.

Have A Blessed Day!

Daily Inspiration: What Would Jesus Do?


Daily Inspiration: What Would Jesus Do?

We have all heard the question: “What Would Jesus Do?” We have seen the bracelets and logos and memorabilia with that expression embedded on it. But have we really thought about that expression and contemplated what it truly means?

How much better would this world be if before we act in any way we ask ourselves “What Would Jesus Do?”

Jesus is the Son of God. He is completely good and righteous and giving in all His ways. He came here to save us, not condemn us. He gave Himself for us and paid the price for our sin while without sin. He loved us even when while we were still undeserving.

Can you see yourself being that way? Can you see yourself giving love even when it is undeserved? Can you see yourself turning the other cheek in the face of adversity? Can you give not looking to receive in return?

There is NOTHING that Jesus did that we cannot do.

Jesus said in John 13:34: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

The way you show love to family and friends is not the only way of expressing love. The bible story of “The Good Samaritan” is a great way of depicting how love can be expressed to everyone, not just those that are familiar. What the Good Samaritan did is something Jesus would have done.

The world would be a much better place if we would think about Jesus before we acted in a way that may be detrimental to our lives as believers. We all have our own will. We can will be act in righteous ways or not.

But that’s the thing about Jesus. He paid the price for us so that when we stumble and make mistakes, we can receive mercy and forgiveness from God. We don’t have to live in fear anymore. We are covered by the blood of Jesus.

Can you do that? When someone sins, can you pray for them rather that condemning them and judging them? Thats what Jesus would do!

If you are ever uncertain about something and can’t decide what you should do, ask yourself honestly, “What Would Jesus Do?” If you can’t think of what He would do in that situation, go to the Word of God, The Bible, and you will get your answer. The Bible has the answer to every situation in life.

Have A Blessed Day!

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