![Daily Inspiration: What Would Jesus Do?]()
We have all heard the question: “What Would Jesus Do?” We have seen the bracelets and logos and memorabilia with that expression embedded on it. But have we really thought about that expression and contemplated what it truly means?
How much better would this world be if before we act in any way we ask ourselves “What Would Jesus Do?”
Jesus is the Son of God. He is completely good and righteous and giving in all His ways. He came here to save us, not condemn us. He gave Himself for us and paid the price for our sin while without sin. He loved us even when while we were still undeserving.
Can you see yourself being that way? Can you see yourself giving love even when it is undeserved? Can you see yourself turning the other cheek in the face of adversity? Can you give not looking to receive in return?
There is NOTHING that Jesus did that we cannot do.
Jesus said in John 13:34: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
The way you show love to family and friends is not the only way of expressing love. The bible story of “The Good Samaritan” is a great way of depicting how love can be expressed to everyone, not just those that are familiar. What the Good Samaritan did is something Jesus would have done.
The world would be a much better place if we would think about Jesus before we acted in a way that may be detrimental to our lives as believers. We all have our own will. We can will be act in righteous ways or not.
But that’s the thing about Jesus. He paid the price for us so that when we stumble and make mistakes, we can receive mercy and forgiveness from God. We don’t have to live in fear anymore. We are covered by the blood of Jesus.
Can you do that? When someone sins, can you pray for them rather that condemning them and judging them? Thats what Jesus would do!
If you are ever uncertain about something and can’t decide what you should do, ask yourself honestly, “What Would Jesus Do?” If you can’t think of what He would do in that situation, go to the Word of God, The Bible, and you will get your answer. The Bible has the answer to every situation in life.
Have A Blessed Day!